Latest Private Lending News, Education and Helpful Information from Carlyle Capital
Top 4 Reasons to Choose A Private Lender
If you ask a professional real estate investor to define real estate, he would probably call it a numbers games. Economics transcends emotions in real estate. Access to capital is a critical aspect of real estate investments, and that’s why private mortgage lenders eclipse conventional banks in the business. We’re here to find out why seasoned realtors prefer private lenders over traditional mortgage providers.
Fix it or Flip it: Why Private Lending
Buy it, fix it and flip it; sounds easy, right? While the television programs on fixing and flipping are most certainly plentiful, there is a lot more “behind the scenes” that takes place that you don’t see. Don’t find yourself in a flop situation.
There’s a few things you’ll want to think about when evaluating any potential flip…